Gatos y Amigos


Ginger 1

Male, about 8/9 weeks old. He was rescued with his siblings at a roundabout on the motorway where they were in great danger of being run over.

He is a sweetheart and purrs all the time.
As soon as he sees you coming with his can of food, he goes crazy and starts his locomotive and starts purring 😻.

Come and meet Ginger ❤️

Ginger 1

Machito de unas 8/9 semanas. Fue rescatado junto a sus hermanos en una rotonda en la autovía donde corrían mucho peligro de ser atropellados.

Es un amorcito y ronronea todo el rato.
Nada más verte venir con su latita de comida se vuelve loco y pone en marcha su locomotora y empieza a ronronear 😻

Anímate y conoce a Ginger ❤️

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