Gatos y Amigos



Isis is one of the many kittens that become a broken toy and are thrown in a rubbish bin…

She was lucky that a colleague found her and took her to a vet to cure her pus-filled eyes.

She has become a model kitten full of love and eager to share many hours of play with you. Will you give it a chance?


Isis es una de los tantos gatitos que se convierten en un juguete roto y son arrojados a un contenedor de basura…

Ella tuvo la suerte de que una compañera la encontrara y la llevará a un veterinario para curar sus ojitos llenos de pus.

Se ha convertido en una gatita modelo llena de amor y deseosa de compartir muchas horas de juego contigo. Le das una oportunidad?

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