Gatos y Amigos


Whatsapp Image 2022 08 21 At 5.29.13 Pm

Jimena is a kitten who was born in a colony together with her siblings Jubal, Jela and Jara. We rescued them and now Jimena is waiting for that chance to grow up happy and safe that without our rescue would not have been possible.

Jimena is a happy and calm kitten, who will fill your life with peace.

Whatsapp Image 2022 08 21 At 5.29.13 Pm

Jimena es una gatita que nació en una colonia junto a sus hermanos Jubal, Jela y Jara. Les rescatamos y ahora Jimena espera esa oportunidad de crecer feliz y segura que sin nuestro rescate no hubiera sido posible.

Jimena es una gatita feliz y tranquila, que llenará de paz tu vida.

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