Gatos y Amigos


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He is Moly, he grew up in a family and at the age of 10 he has been abandoned to his fate, leaving behind his two brothers and cat-like life companions who have always been with him. Moly was found in the yard of an abandoned house where he did not move or eat, which is logical as he has never seen a car and does not know what the street is, he was abandoned without food or drink and to this day he does not understand what is happening. He is an incredibly noble and good cat who deserves a home and no more suffering.

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Él es Moly, se crio en una familia y a sus 10 años ha sido abandonado a su suerte dejando atrás a sus dos hermanos y compañeros de vida gatunos que han estado siempre con él. Moly fue encontrado en un patio de una casa abandonada donde no se movía ni comía, cosa lógica ya que jamás ha visto un coche ni tampoco sabe lo que es la calle, fue abandonado sin comida ni bebida y a día de hoy no entiende que es lo que está ocurriendo. Es un gato increíblemente noble y bueno que merece un hogar y no pasar por más sufrimiento.

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