Gatos y Amigos

Bert Hennephof


JENZO, male, 2 months old, his mother and siblings have died, the only survivor has been left alone crying in the bushes next to a road.

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Freddie was rescued with his siblings from a cardboard box under a skip. He has seen his siblings leave and start a new life with their adoptive parents. Now wait for a chance and don’t just look at its colour. He is a lovely, fun loving and active kitten. Do you want to be part

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VALERIA, gatita de 10 semanas, cariñosa y juguetona, busca un hogar. Valeria fue rescatada junto a sus hermanas Carla y Lucrecia para que pudiera crecer fuera de los peligros que hay en la calle. Es tan cariñosa que te pide siempre estar en brazos. Déjate mimar por esta chiquitina.

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Lili and Hela

Hela and Lili have suffered the scorn of life from birth, as they were abandoned in a rubbish bin with their siblings, but as luck would have it, a cleaner rescued them in the nick of time. They have been pampered by their foster mum and are now ready to join a new family. Would

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CARLA, está preciosa muñeca de tan solo 10 semanas, busca un hogar donde la mimen. Esta pequeña simpática, cariñosa y juguetona es Carla, y busca una familia que la mime y le dé mucho amor. También podrías adoptar a sus hermanas Valeria y Lucrecia.  

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