Gatos y Amigos

Nelly & Noa

Whatsapp Image 2022 09 29 At 7.44.47 Pm (3)

Noa and Nala are Ariel and Leo’s little sisters. They are part of that group of kittens abandoned with their mothers in the middle of nowhere.

They are very smart, active kittens, and they are always looking for affection. They can be adopted together or separately. Don’t just look at their dark colour and give them a chance.

Whatsapp Image 2022 09 29 At 7.44.47 Pm (3)

Noa y Nala son hermanitas de Ariel y de Leo. Forman parte de ese grupo de gatitos abandonados con sus madres en medio de la nada.

Son unas gatitas muy listas, activas, y que buscan continuamente tu cariño. Pueden ser adoptadas juntas o por separado. No te fijes solo en su color oscuro y dales una oportunidad.

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